新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 她是一家软件公司的设计师

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/30 15:40  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  She’s a designer for a software company.


  A What about your wife? What does she do?

  A 你妻子呢?她做什么工作?

  B She’s a designer for a software company.

  B 她是一家软件公司的设计师。

  A That sounds interesting.

  A 听起来很有趣。

  B Yes. It’s a new company in Beijing. She really likes her work.

  B 是的。这是北京的一家新公司。她非常喜欢自己的工作。

  A I think it must be exciting to work in the software and computer industry.

  A 我想从事软件和计算机工作一定很令人兴奋。

  B Yes. Everything is changing so quickly.

  B 是的。一切都变化太快了。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can ask and talk about what people do in various ways, e.g. What does she do? / What does she do?; She’s a designer in a software company. / She’s a designer in a software company.

  你可以用不同的方法询问和谈论某人做什么工作,例如:What does she do? / 她做什么工作?; She’s a designer in a software company. /她是一家软件公司的设计师。

  2 You can talk about what people feel about their job, e.g. She really likes her job. / She really likes her job.; He loves his work. / He loves his work.

  你可以谈论某人对自己的工作感觉如何,例如:She really likes her job. / 她非常喜欢自己的工作; He loves his work. / 他喜欢自己的工作。

  3 You can also describe work and jobs in other ways, both positively and negatively, e.g. It’s exciting work. / It’s exciting work.; My job is boring. / My job is boring.

  你也可以用其他的方法描述工作,无论是肯定的方面还是否定的方面,例如:It’s exciting work. / 这是非常令人兴奋的工作; My job is boring. / 我的工作很枯燥。

Key phrases and sentences


What about your wife?

What does she do?

She’s a designer for a software company.

That sounds interesting.

Yes.  It’s a new company in Beijing. 

She really likes her work.

I think it must be exciting to work in the software and computer industry. 

Yes.  Everything is changing so quickly.

















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