
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月11日 09:59   环球时报

  Israel scientists claimed that the scent of a woman's tears is a major turn-off for men. Men who sniffed real tears became less sexually aroused than those who sniffed saline, according to the researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science and Edith Wolfson Medical Center in Israel。

  In the study, two women ageing 30 and 31 watched sad movies by themselves and placed vials beneath their eyes to collect teardrops. Their tears were collected one milliliter at a time and deposited onto small pads that were attached beneath men's noses, so they could continuously sniff the sadness。

  Then 24 male participants, whose mean age was 27, were shown emotionally ambiguous photographs of women and asked to rate the faces' sadness and their attractiveness. The faces appeared less sexually attractive after sniffing real tears, according to the study. The researchers also learned the men experienced a drop in testosterone。

  As a matter of fact, Israel scientists have expected tears' chemical signals to trigger empathy or sadness, but that didn't happen - women's tears just dampen men's sexual desire. Some researchers believe this phenomenon evolved to protect emotionally vulnerable women from male aggression。






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