Head of School is the soul of a school and a vital role in building an outstanding school.
The ISA Science City International School will officially open in September this year, and is committed to be the acknowledged leader of excellence in international education. So what is the Head of this brand new school with such a grand vision like? This article will take an in-depth look at David Edwards - Head of School for ISA Science City, in a short video and an exclusive interview with That's GBA.
广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校将于今年9月正式开学,秉承追求卓越品质的态度,致力于成为国际教育的卓越领航者。那么,有着这样宏大愿景的学校,它的校长是怎样的呢?本期文章将通过一段简短的录制视频以及《城市漫步英文杂志》-粤港澳大湾区的专访,带领您深度走近科学城爱莎校长David Edwards先生。
The statement "we are a school commited to excellence" starts with an attitude. It's how we think, which then forces or drives forward how we act.
When students graduate from our school, they go forward with confidence, and they go forward pround of where they have been, and excited about what they're going to do next - that's the aspiration and dreams of any school leader, any teachers, and I'm sure for parents as well.
Q: A good teacher can make all the difference. What qualities do you look for when hiring school faculty?
When we hire staff, we follow a simple four-step process:
They must love children, must love teaching;
We explore what they do beyond the classroom: their own study, associations they are members of, conferences they attend, sporting teams they coach and so on. This reinforces whether they see teaching as a job or a vocation;
We learn more about the types of schools they have worked in previously. We want evidence that in their professional journey, they know what high standards look and feel like;
Our final step is to ensure that the qualifications each teacher possesses are highly recognized, have been obtained at strong universities and colleges, and are directly related to the role we are recruiting them for.
Q: The Greater Bay Area is becoming increasingly associated with technical innovation. How will technology be utilized in the school’s curriculum?
We must ensure that students and teachers understand the wide-reach of technology, develop a range of critical skills that help them explore technology more effectively and are comfortable navigating the world we now have, which is technologically driven. So, professional development of staff is critical throughout the organization and we have built an organizational structure that will ensure every member of staff is given excellent training and support, which will then directly impact the experience of families and most importantly, the students.
In terms of hardware, primary and secondary school students will be in a one-to-one technology environment, additionally supported by smart boards in all rooms and a very strong wireless network. Our Innovation Hub will be a central place where all members of the school community will be able to come throughout the school day for support, guidance and extension activities.
Q: There seems to be an ever-growing selection of international and bilingual schools in the Greater Bay Area. What will set ISA Science City International School apart?
ISA Science City is already quite unique. We are not a franchise, whose brand is attached by name to an overseas entity. We are not directly licensed by a foreign government curriculum, be it from the UK or US for example. ISA Science City is a purpose-built international school, bringing together - through all facets - the best of the East and West.
We recognize that we are a school striving towards excellence at an internationally recognized level, and will be a school in Asia, in China, within the GBA, in the city of Guangzhou, placed in Science City. Each of these layers is important, especially when we think more carefully about the desires and aspirations of families in these zones, as well as the curriculum standards we must meet at each of these levels. Outstanding schools are very dear on their purpose, identity and programs. They make strong, unwavering commitments to deliver on each of these elements. Outstanding schools focus on getting the foundations very strong and in doing so, ensure that teaching and learning is consistently strong in every class, for every student, every day. They ensure that there is a positive, strong relationship between home and school.
ISA Science City is focused upon getting these foundations incredibly strong. In doing so, we are confident in the opportunities we will provide our families now, ensuring their child's success in the future.