
2021年11月09日 10:25 新浪教育 微博





  上海宏润博源学校外方校长 Christopher Moses

  以下为上海宏润博源学校外方校长 Christopher Moses的访谈实录:

  主持人:各位新浪的网友大家好!这里是新浪微博2021国际学校秋冬择校巡展上海站的活动现场,今天我们邀请到了上海宏润博源学校外方校长 Christopher Moses,欢迎您!今年的《民促法条例》鼓励民办学校要提高办学质量和办学特色,满足多样化的教育需求,您认为一所具有增长潜力、备受家长认可的国际化学校,应该具备哪些特质呢?

  Christopher Moses:Hello. Thank you very much for the opportunity to speak here today. I think the most important part of our school is that we are truly dedicated to helping students discover their individual potential and purpose so that they will feel intrinsically motivated by their desire to learn. With such motivation, students are able to contribute to our community, they are more self-directed, they can take the initiative to start new things, or to improve, to give greater depths to the projects in which they are already engaged. I think this contributes to the sense of community we have and it’s based in close trusting relationships. Our teachers want to know our students, to guide them through these processes of discovery, and to give them the tools and resources they need to thrive, so from our campus and environment to the facilities we offer, the programs, the opportunities for students to engage, all the while with challenging and rigorous academics so that they are expanding and applying their knowledge. But most importantly, they are doing it because of a passion to learn, a true desire to expand their horizons, to set goals, to gain confidence. This is the essential characteristic of our school.



  Christopher Moses:First and foremost, I would say that I welcome any policy or any change which improves the learning experience and enhances the quality of education that students receive. Our school is a residential school, it’s a community, and so much learning takes place through daily interactions, through extracurricular activities, things that occur beyond the traditional classroom, and so that face-to-face interaction is essential. I think it’s really important when hiring faculties to find dedicated and committed teachers, by that I mean individuals who genuinely care about students and their learning. So we have been very fortunate to assemble a strong faculty team, both international and bilingual teachers. I am very happy that this year even with challenges of covid, we have 100% of retention amongst our foreign faculty. I think that speaks to the type of school we are that people enjoy being there, they are glad to share themselves, they are invested in students’ growth and performance.


  So, the question of online vs in-person learning, to me, isn’t really a question. I think a residential community creates an environment that allows students to thrive. We are deeply invested in that from the first thing in the morning until the very late evening when students are developing their time-management habits, they learning how to have friends, to act responsibly and manage their time. All of this is essential to the work we do as a school. So, I think it’s very important for the government to act decisively in ensuring students have these sorts of quality experiences in their schools.












