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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/02 17:33  洋话连篇

  President Farrow and Vice-President Reynolds visit the Software Development department and the manager introduces them to Amber. What is Amber’s reaction to meeting the top bosses? What is their reaction to him?

  (President Farrow and VP Reynolds arrive at Software Development. They are met by Ed Blakely and Amberi)

  Ed:Amber, I’d like you to meet our President, Tom Farrow.

  Amber:(shaking hands) Hello, sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

  Tom:Welcome to our group, Amber. We’re expecting great things from you. I’m sure you can meet the challenge.

  Amber:I always try my best, Mr. Farrow.

  Ed:This is our Executive Vice-President, Jane Reynolds.

  Jane:We’re happy to have you with us, Amber.

  Amber:Thank you, Ms. Reynolds. I’m pleased to be here.

  Tom:We don’t run a tight ship here, John. We want everyone to feel at ease, to let those creative juices flow. Please call me Tom.

  Jane:And you can call me Jane. We like to think of ourselves as one happy family.

  Amber:That suits me fine. I also believe things run more smoothly with less formality. I’m already on a firs e basis with all my staff.

  Tom:Glad to hear it, John. So, how do you find our … (work-related conversation continues for the next hour)

  总裁 Farrow 和总裁助理 Reynolds 来到 软件开发部门,部门经理介绍他们互相认识。 Amber 见到总裁后的反应如何呢?总裁和助理的反映又如何呢?

  (Farrow 总裁和VP Reynolds到了软件开发部门。Ed Blakely和Amber出来迎接他们)

  Ed:Amber,这位就是我们的总裁Tom Farrow 先生。




  Ed:这位是总裁助理Jane Reynolds。








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