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山东 赵存燊:Computer(小学组)

  I never forget the day on May 24th 1998. It was the first time I used computer to print a birthday card to my mum. She was so surprised and asked: "Oh, a perfect present, did you do that, my dear son? Thank you!" "You should thank the computer. I just printed that." I answered.

  Computer became my common friend at my five years old.It's so magical to me.

  After we came back from Canada in 2000, I often send some messages to my foreign friends by E-mail. Computer became my better friend accordingly.

  China lost 0:3 to Turkey in the first group match of FIFA World Cup Korea Japan last year. I was too sad and turned on computer quickly to play the FIFA games against Turkey too. I won them with higher score 10:0. Computer gave me a lot of help in relaxing myself on that day and became my best friend.

  Computer is a very useful tool in our life, in our study as well as works. I love my best friend,the marvelous computer. It is the most great invention. No long distance exists now.

  That's all, thank you.

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