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天津财经学院贸易经济系 翁凌:New century, new challenges!

  There are some new challenges to face in the coming century . Population will continue to grow, putting pressure on the food supply. Moreover ,people will become too dependant on machines to look after them ,leading to a weakening of their spiritual lives.

  I intend to prepare myself for the new century by keeping abreast of the latest developments in science and technology. But at the same time, I won't neglect the cultural pursuits.

  First of all, it is to take responsibility. A key point to realize is that taking responsibility is an ongoing process, not an event. That means you cannot just do it once or live happily ever after. Think of it as like winding your watch-something you do everyday.

  One of another important skills to have in the future is effective communications. Careful listening, clear writing, close reading, plain speaking and accurate description will be invaluable.

  The third one is to discover and adapt to changes. No matter what of stage your career is, you need to exam what the rules are today and will be tomorrow. You have to expect that tomorrow they will be different-something will have changed.

  The ability to organize will be very important in the cooporation in the future. Everywhere there will be a need to organize something: resources ,workingflow, financial opportunity, marking fix and much more. All will demand high levels of organization and reorganization.

  The ability to learn will above everything important. I have to say some of this skill is innate, but many people enhance their abilities to learn and to relate different aspects of learning through college and university courses.

  Watch out for your opportunities and at all time prepare yourself to take advantage of them.

  I wish you all good luck, thank you.

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