

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月06日 09:53   新浪教育


  原句:With all the reasons, the mind to be with you is always existing from the first moment when opening my eyes to the last second when clasing them, and is planted in my heart deeptly just like a luxuriant tree.

  点评:With all the reasons, the mind to be with you is always existing(时态有一点问题) from 要加上the first moment when opening(主语是mind不是I,所以这里不能用ing,否则就是mind自己张开眼睛的意思) my eyes to the last second when clasing(单词拼写错误) them, and is planted (是不是想说植根)in my heart deeply, just like a luxuriant tree.

  修改参考:With all the reasons that can be found in this universe, the faith to be with has been deeply rooted in my mind, heart and soul from the first moment when I open my eyes to the last second when I close them.

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