http://edu.sina.com.cn 2000/01/14
――办事处负责人Neil Caddie谈签证原则及费用
David Mills是这个团体的负责人。
Trina Kuo将取代Gill Johnson成为这组负责人,我们需要提高我们的决策能力。我们第一个
暂时进入从10月1日起,我们办公室开始发行LPVs(Limited Purose Visas)(局限性
Katia D' haene女士、Martine Werkhoven女士、PatrickHuang先生
将对高中申请负责,Michelle Tang女士、Garvie Wu女士、ResellaBedano女士,将负
Neil Caddie(签字)
Zew Zealand Immigration Service Beijing Branch News
Letter September1999
I am sure you will all know that Wayne returned to
New Zealand. He has been appointed to the position of B
ranch Manager of the Service's Auckland Processing Cent
re. We all wish him well in his new position.
Wayne is still on leave but has asked that if you a
re visitingAuckland, please either ring him or visit th
e office if you are downhis way.
We have all been very busy since my arrival. We hav
e had theMinister of Immigration visit this Branch in c
onjunction with theopening of the Shanghai Branch and a
new Immigration Act to learn which comes into force on
the 1st of October 1999. The new Act's major changes re
late to onshore processing but there are two new catego
ries of visas, an amended fees schedule and changes to
the transit regulations. More about these changes later
Our telephone system is inadequate-we have only 12
lines available with 36 staff members. We have met with
the telephone engineers who are considering what option
s there are to improve the system. I am told getting ad
ditional lines here is not always immediate.
The Beijing Branch is biggest offshore branch and,
as such, it was appropriate that we took the time to re
view our structure and how best to link with our custom
ers. We have decided upon a four team branch, with each
team being responsible for a similar cluster of custome
The teams are:
Temporary Team
Responsible for processing visitors, work, returnin
g residence and the management of applications lodged u
nder the Approved DesinationStatus.
David Mills is the Team Leader.
Student Team
This team of 12 visa officers has been broken in to
three teams, each with responsibilities to process appl
ications based on New Zealand's Education providers. Mo
re from Meegan Sorenson the Student Team coordinator ab
out how the three teams will deliver customer services
to student applications.
Residence Team
Trina Kuo has replaced Gill Johnson as Team Leader
of the residence team. Whilst there is no real change f
or this team, we do need to increase our decision capab
ilities. Our first initiative has been to contact NZQA
to establish progress on qualification assessments, the
number of applications awaiting decisions is about 750,
the team is committed to reduce this number over the ne
xt four months.
Please note that from 1st September 1999, we are no
longer requesting NZQA's automatically. We will be requ
esting NZQA's on a case by case basis after an initial
assessment of the application has been done.
Customer and Administration Support
Gill Johnson is the Team Leader for this team. They
will focus on providing internal support to the 3 opera
tional delivery teams. They will provide telephone info
rmation services, management of the web site informatio
n, producing and providing our forms to customers coord
inating our internal training and, of course, manage th
e Branchfinances.
Temporary Entry
From 1 October, our office will begin issuing Limit
ed PurposeVisas(LPVs) to medium risk applicants whose a
pplications wouldpreviously have been declined on mediu
m risk applicants whoseapplications would previously ha
ve been declined on risk grounds, and who intend travel
ling to New Zealand for an express purpose (not a socia
l visit or holiday). Applicants can choose to apply dir
ectly for an LPV or our office can decide to issue one
after a visitor's visa application is lodged. Holders o
f LPVs (and Limited Purpose Permits) will not be able t
o change their status after arrival in New Zealand, do
not have appeal rights, and are subject to immediate re
moval if they overstay their permits.
We will also begin collecting bonds to minimise the
risk of somesocial and holiday visitors overstaying the
ir permits. The bondpayment for Chinese nationals is NZ
$3,000, which is payable in New Zealand, in New Zealand
dollars. If it is decided to request a bond, we will wr
ite to applicants to offer them this option. We expect
to request bonds in very few instances.
Attached is a new fee schedule for Chinese national
s lodging visaapplications in Beijing. Note that applic
ants in these circumstances should pay fees according t
o Band Tree levels. Payments in USD attract a bank char
ge of 10USD.
Student Processing
Following a recent review of our procedures and the
m structure, the student processing team has now been s
plit into three main teams.
These teams will concentrate on aplications based o
n New Zealandeducation providers.
The three teams will be:
1. High School applicants
2. Tertiary Students (including English Language)
3. Private English Language Students
Applications already lodged have now been split int
o these threedifferent categories for processing.Ms Kat
ia D' haene, Ms Martine Werkhoven and Mr. Patrick Huang
will be responsible for applications lodged for High Sc
hool students, Ms Michelle Tang, Ms Carvie Wu and Ms Ro
sella Bedano will be responsible for applications lodge
d for English language and Tertiary students.
Tosella will also be responsible for applications l
odged for English language only students. Slight change
s within the teams may occur depending on work flows. W
e hope to increase our processing capabilities within t
hese teams over the next few months with existing staff
, once internal training has been completed.
Current processing times are still running at appro
ximately 8-12weeks, applications lodged between 13 Sept
ember 1999-30 September 1999 are/have been sent to the
Shanghai Branch of the NZIS for processing in order to
allow the Beijing team to concentrate on the current ap
plications in hand. Proposals for internal changes with
in the team,effective from 4 October 1999, should hopef
ully result in much faster decisions being made on appl
ications lodged from this date.
We will be working together during the remainder of
the year to look at the many different aspects of our p
rocesses but in particular to the reduction of the stud
ent processing time frames and improving the quality of
our decisions. The recent changes being experienced by
the team will be a challenge, but a challenge I am sure
they can meet.
We are also attaching updated checklists for each t
eam and we look forward to working together with our ma
ny different agents,representatives and NZ Education pr
Neil Caddie
Branch Manager-NZIS Beijing
Residence Visa——4,980——595
Visitor's Visa——460——55
Vistor Group——300——0
Transit Visa——730——90
Work Visa——1,040——125
Student Visa——730——90
Retruning Resident's Visa——730——90
Business categories——12,660——1,515(including logn-b
erm business visa)
except "Employee of Relocating Business" category——
Settlement Information Fee——410——50
(form 1/7/98-each residence application)
Migrant Levy from 1/7/98——1,000——120
(per person, to a maximum of 4)
*Non Principal Applicant
English language——90,400——10,800
Fee(where applicable to applications lodged before
Pre-purchase ESOL——7,690-30,060——920-3,600
(where applicable for General Skills and Business I
nvestorapplicants, lodged on or after 30/11/98)
*Paid by General Skills, Investor, Entrepreneur, an
d Employee ofBusiness categories
·Please pay exact amount only. We accept Post Offic
e money order,bank drafts from banks outside China, or
cash (cash must not be sentthrough the mail). We do not
accept credit card payments
·For US$ cash or bank draft, add US$ 10 bank fee to
total amount paid
·For EMS return courier, enclose RMB 40 or US$ 5 fo
r postage anywherein China, and RMB200 or US$25 for pos
tage any where outside China
·Application fees are non refundableNeil CaddieBran
ch Manager(including long-term business visa)