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http://edu.sina.com.cn 2000/01/17 

  范例15.1 提要






  她的丈夫在此之前已经申请了加拿大独立移民,有记录在案的移民倾向。(丈夫的签证说明信也在本书之中,并有详 细分析)

  丈夫获得签证一周后,葛奇去加拿大使馆申请自己的学生签证(相当于F1)。这封信是在她递交了学生签证申请之 后几天,寄给使馆签证处的说明文件意在消除签证官对她的"移民倾向"的怀疑,给她签证。





  范例15.1 原文

  Dear Visa Officer:

  With great honor and excitement, I received a York Universityfellowship for a Ph.D. program in finance. Th e program will take me about five years. I have submitt ed my application for a student authorization to your o ffice. I am writing this to explain a situation surroun ding my visa application.

  I married a wonderful man who happened to have appl ied for Canadian immigration under independent category (file number: B 012 345 678).

  He sent in his application on July 21, 1996 and I m arried him inFebruary 1997. I did not marry him for his uncertain future inimmigrating to Canada but for the fa ct that he was my college sweat heart, as well as for h is proven success in the finance industry in China.

  To our utmost gratefulness, your office granted my husband a student visa after he received a fellowship f or his long desired MBA program from the University of British Columbia, while his immigration application is sitting in your office (visa number E1234567890). Our l ove to Canada is reinforced by your graciousness and ge nerosity in allowing him pursuing his study in Canada w hile waiting for his immigration processing.

  Needless to say, as a successful financial professi onal, my husband will honor the trust that you gave to him by complying with all the terms and conditions stip ulated by his student authorization no matter the outco me of his immigration application. Canada is the countr y we do want to make our home in, however, our career a nd job future in China are also very promising. An immi gration visa will be an invitation forus to join the Ba y Street professionals in Toronto, and a refusal,albeit we hope not, but if there is a refusal we will take it as a hometown party appointment and return to China to develop our future.

  Enough said about my husband, here comes my situati on: I myself am a senior accountant at China National B ank in Beijing. The reason I wanted to pursue a Ph.D. d egree in York was aimed at my career back to China.

  Since the marriage to my husband who applied for Ca nadian immigration, this purpose has not really changed because we both do not know our immigration future yet. I would rather commit myself to my original plan while just keep one eye only on the possible future of receiv ing an immigration visa. Like my husband, I have a brig ht future in both great countries. When I receive my Ph .D. degree from York, my future in China will be much, much more exciting. Leaving or staying in Canada, the o nly determining factor is our legal status. Our very su ccessful past and promising future in China will veto a ny possibilityfor us to hide in Canada doing some dishw ashing jobs if our immigration application is refused.

  My Ph.D. degree at York takes about five years to c omplete. Asdependent applicant I know that I do not hav e to look for workimmediately after landing in Canada t hat means I will continue my study at Canada's prestigi ous York University. I will see if I need to do anythin g to make myself more adapted following a favorable dec ision for our immigration application. But whatever I d o, I will do it right, do it legally and do it by the r ules.

  Thank you very much for your time and consideration .


  范例15.3 翻译


  以极大的荣耀和兴奋,我得到了一份约克大学的经济学博士奖学金。这个学位将需要五年时间来完成。我已经把我的 学生签证的申请递交到了你们办公室。现在我写这封信,解释一点有关我的申请的情况。

  我和一个美妙的男人结了婚,而他凑巧以独立移民的条件申请过加拿大永久居民身份(立案号码:B 012 34 5 678)。

  他于1996年7月21日交上了他的移民申请,而我们是在1997年2月结的婚。我和他结婚当然不是因为他那 不确定的移民前景,而是由于他是我中学时代开始的甜心,也由于他在中国金融领域业已证明的成功。

  令我们无比感激的是,在我丈夫得到加拿大哥伦比亚大学一个渴望已久的MBA奖学金之后,你们慷慨地给了他一个 学生签证(签证号码:E123456789),尽管他的移民申请正在你们的办公室等待处理。你们慨然允许他在等待移民 程序的同时去加拿大追求他的学业,这种宽容和慷慨是我们对于加拿大的热爱得到了再次的强化。

  毫无疑问,作为一个成功的金融专家,我丈夫将对你们的信任报以相应的信任,他将以遵守你们的签证规定作为对你 们的答谢,而不管他的移民申请的结果如何。加拿大是我们夫妇确实想生活居住的国家,但是,我们在中国的前途和工作也相 当诱人。一个移民签证对我们当然是一张请柬,让我们加入多伦多金融大街上那些专家的行列,而一纸拒签,尽管我们希望不 至发生,但假如有拒签发生的话,我们将把它作为故乡的乡亲们接风酒的预约,回到中国发展我们的前途。

  说够了我的丈夫,这才是我的情况:我自己是北京中国国家银行的一个高级会计师。我去加拿大读经济学博士的目的 ,是为了回到国内的前途。自从我和这个申请了加拿大移民的丈夫结婚以来,我的这个目标并没有什么变化,因为我们并不知 道到底移民申请能不能成功。我宁愿坚持我的原先的计划,同时捎带着(keep an eye on it)考虑万一获 得移民签证后的种种可能。同我的丈夫一样,我在中国和加拿大都会有了不起的前途。当我获得约克大学的博士学位后,我在 中国的前途将会极其令人激动。是离开还是居留在加拿大,唯一的决定因素将是我们的合法身份。我们在中国非常成功的过去 和非常诱人的未来将否决这个可能,即万一我们的移民申请被拒绝后我们会躲在加拿大什么地方干着洗碗的营生。

  我在约克大学的博士学位需要大约五年的时间才能完成。作为副申请人,我知道我在获得移民签证后不必立即寻找工 作,因此我会有足够的时间继续在加拿大著名的约克大学完成我的学业。在我们获得移民签证之后,我将看看我是否有必要把 自己的技能和加拿大的就业机会做一些协调。但是不管我做什么,我都将做正确的事情,做合法的事情,做符合规定的事情。



  范例15.4 分析

  葛奇的信,从头至尾洋溢着高尚的感情和高贵的品质,使人看见一个极有修养,非常有风度的女性形象。这种高尚和 高贵主要体现在下列几个方面:

  1.对加拿大给他们奖学金和给她丈夫签证这样的事情,表示了充分的欣赏和感激。欣赏和感激别人的好意(Fav or,help, and kindness),并强烈地当面表达出来,显示给给予者看,是西方文明和中国文化的区别 之一。作为中国女子的葛奇,把这种西方感情表达得淋漓尽致。对于能够显示如此良好的西方教育素质,透明的西方意识的申 请者,签证官不可能不喜欢。这一方面的精彩句子有:

  *With great honor and excitement, I received a scho larship from ……

  * To our utmost gratefulness, your office granted m y husband a student visa……

  *Our love to Canada is reinforced by your graciousn ess andgenerosity……

  西方人在写论文和记述文的时候反感用形容词,但在向对方表示感谢的时候把形容词总是用到最高级。葛奇可算懂得 了这个奥妙。非常得体地表达了自己的感激,同时还预支了一些感激。

  2.葛奇在信中体现了西方人最喜欢的另外一种素质,对于家庭的自豪和夸耀。(布什和克林顿的九二年竞选虽然失 败,但当时共和党的竞选纲领就是家庭价值(family value)。布什和奎尔及其夫人们到处大谈他们对于对方的 爱情和敬意,可见一斑)。

  葛奇说到自己的丈夫时用的词汇,西方人天天用,但中国人肯定不用:awonderful man,奇妙的男人 。葛奇表达的对于丈夫的爱情和自豪洋溢在全信。这一方面的精彩句子有:

  *I married a wonderful man……

  *He was my college sweet heart……

  *His proven success in the finance industry in Chin a

  *A successful financial professional, my husband wi ll honor the trust that you gave to him……

  3.葛奇的信体现了美国签证哲学的最重要的原则:自信。这是一种几乎要在纸上燃烧起来的自信。当然,优秀是自 信的原因和结果。葛奇在信中自然流露的自信和优秀是如此的强大,签证几乎已经是她不可取消的权利。

  *Canada is the country we do want to make our home in , however, our career and job future in China are al so very promising.

  *When I receive my Ph.D. degree from ABC University , my future in China will be much, much more exciting……

  *An immigration visa will be an invitation for us t o join the Bay Street professionals in Toronto, and a r efusal…we will take it as a hometown party appointment and return to China to develop our future.

  *Our very successful past and promising future will veto any possibility for us to hide in Canada doing som e dish-washing jobs if our immigration application is r efused.

  关于双重目的──Dual Intention

  这里顺便讲一点关于双重目的:美国(包括加拿大)移民法承认"双重目的"──Dual Intention.

  双重目的的含义是:既想移民美国永久居留在美国,又想在得到这个永久居留权之前去美国作一次短期访问。换言之 ,"双重目的"是针对那些已经申请了美国加拿大移民的外国人,但确有合理原因需要到美国去短期访问的一种政策。葛奇就 是以"双重目的"条款获得签证的例子。美国移民等待的时间很长,没有这个"双重目的"条款,就会使很多申请了美国移民 的人不能去美国进行其他的正常的活动。

  经常有同学来到新东方满面愁容,因为他们的已经在美国或什么地方申请了移民了、或者他们的爸爸妈妈兄弟姐妹在 美国已经移民了,现在拿到I-20,怕签证官以移民倾向拒签他们。

  在这种情况下,大家只要看看葛奇的信就行了。即使你有记录在案的移民倾向,"移"字写在脸上,你依然有可能获 得签证,因为这个"双重目的"条款。只是大家必须注意的是,以"双重目的"获得短期签证的哲学基础,是申请者的优秀─ ─保证回到原居国发展自己的优秀条件。

  "双重目的"最典型地反映了美国签证的精神:只要你能够合理证明你在原居地过得不错,是一个成功人士,不至于 违反短期签证的条件,留在美国非法打工,你就有可能获得签证。

  而要证明这一点,说到底,你只要充分运用美国签证哲学的几个重要原理:自信,真实,合理,具体,就一定能够成 功。


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