
Horse-Riding 骑马

Zara Phillips riding
Zara Phillips, the British Queen’s granddaughter, is a famous British equestrian

 In the Beijing Olympics, the British team won a lot of medals in riding. Could you tell me something about riding?
Ann, Luoyang

If you watched the Olympics closely, you will have noticed that Britain won a lot of bronze medals in horse-riding events.

So how popular is horse-riding in the UK? Owning a horse isn’t cheap but do you need lots of money to enjoy riding?

Find out too what the future holds for horse-riding as the preparations for London’s 2012 Olympics get underway.

Jo Hunter and Li Yang look further at this topic. Listen to opinions and comments from people around the UK who love horses, look after them and work with them.

Once you've listened to Jo's report, try the quiz to check your understanding.

Do you have a question about Britain?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk or


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