
Julie Delpy 茱莉黛尔碧

Julie Delpy, actress, screenwriter, film maker
The multi-talented Julie Delpy - from film actress to film maker

Programme Introduction 节目简介

When does a French American actress, screenwriter and musical artist turn into a film maker? When she's Julie Delpy of course! This multi-talented star's first low budget film was a great success. Not only did Julie produce and direct the film, she composed the music for it too. Oliver and Yang Li find out how Julie manages to juggle all her talents.

为什么茱莉黛尔碧,这位美籍法国演员,剧作家,音乐剧艺术家会转行做电影制片人了呢?这位才华横溢的女明星自己制作的第一部低成本的影片受到了非常好的评价-在整个制作过程中茱莉黛尔碧不仅参加了影片制作和导演,她本人还给影片作曲。杨莉和 Oliver 在这期节目里和大家一起看看茱莉黛尔碧是怎么同时身兼多职的。

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