
Gastro Pubs 美食酒馆

Burger and chips - a typical gastro pub meal
You can enjoy food like this in a gastro pub

Programme Introduction 节目简介

British people have always liked going to the pub, but the traditional British pub has changed in recent years and something called a gastro pub has become increasingly popular. Jo Reffin and Oliver Zheng find out more about this trend.

大家都知道英国人是出了名的爱去酒馆儿,不过近些年来传统的英国酒馆儿也在慢慢地发生着变化。一种新兴的美食酒馆在英国的大街小巷正迅速窜红, Jo Hunter 和 Oliver Zheng 带大家一起走进这些美食酒馆。

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