
Hairspray 发胶明星梦

Leanne Jones, starring in the London production of the musical Hairspray, 2007
The musical Hairspray is very colourful and lively with non-stop dancing

Programme Introduction 节目简介

Hairspray, a film which originally came out in 1988 and was re-made in 2007, also opened in London as a stage musical in 2007. The musical has been described as 'feel-good' and a 'non-stop danceathon'. Listen to this programme with Vicki Sullivan and Chen Li, to learn what these phrases mean and to hear about the story and music in the Hairspray musical.

1988年出版的《发胶》这部电影在原有的剧情基础上经改编后于2007年以音乐剧的形式被正式搬上了伦敦的舞台。看过这部音乐剧的朋友们会说这部剧让人感觉很好,是一部不间断的舞蹈剧。让我们跟随 Vicki Sullivan 和 Chen Li 一起去感受一下这部音乐舞蹈剧。

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