

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月03日 16:34   新浪教育

Skilled Migration Points Test

Condition Met
With ....
Occupation Specialised professional or trade occupation  60
General professional occupation  50
Other general skilled occupations  40
Age 18 to 29 years  30
30 to 34 years 25
35 to 39 years 20
40 to 44 years 15
English Proficient English  (IELTS score 7 x 4 or better) 25
Threshold English  (IELTS score 5 x 4 or better) 15
Specific Work Experience  Work experience closely related to nominated 60 point occupation for three of the last four years 10
Work experience in any occupation on the skilled occupation list for three of the last four years  5
Australian Work Experience  Work experience closely related to the nominated occupation for one of the last four years  10
Professional Year closely related to nominated occupation  10
Australian Qualifications  Doctorate (min. two years)  25
Masters/Honours with undergraduate degree (min. three years)  15
Degree/diploma/trade qualification (min 2 year study) 5
Occupation in Demand  Work experience closely related to the nominated occupation for one of the last four years and an offer of relevant full-time employment  20
Work experience closely related to the nominated occupation for one of the last four years  15
Regional Study  Met 2 years study requirement while living and studying in regional Australia  5
Partner Skills  Partner meets threshold GSM requirements  5
Nomination  Nominated by state or territory government  10
Designated Area Sponsorship  Sponsored by Australian relative living in a designated area (only available to provisional visa applicants)  25
Designated Language  Professional level language skills in a designated language 5

本文选自《 孙涛老师》的博客,点击查看博客原文

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