

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年09月16日 10:27   新浪教育


  环境与气候变化问题引起越来越多人的重视,绿色理念已经逐步深入人心,美国大学也不甘示弱,纷纷改善学校的设施,让大学变得越来越“绿”,为环境保护尽一份力。美国Sierra Club发布了第三届年度“最绿”的大学。广大学生和家长也可以参考这个排名,这些大学至少在校园环境方面是一流的。哈佛大学也加强了生态环境方面的改善,在这次排名中位列第十一。

  Recently, the Sierra Club released its third annual ranking of "Cool Schools," which rates ecological awareness and sustainability efforts among top colleges and universities. Seeking a comprehensive overview of each campus’s eco-enlightenment, the Sierra Club sent a lengthy questionnaire to sustainability experts at hundreds of colleges and universities. The survey covered eight categories: efficiency, energy, food, academics, purchasing, transportation, waste management, and administration. Schools could earn up to ten points in each category; they were also awarded as many as five bonus points for additional green initiatives。

  The top ten schools (in order) were (以下为前10名“最绿”的大学)

  1.   University of Colorado, Boulder 科罗拉多大学

  2.   University of Washington Seattle 西雅图华盛顿大学

  3.   Middlebury College 

  4.   University of Vermont 佛蒙特大学 

  5.   College of the Atlantic 大西洋大学

  6.   Evergreen State College

  7.   University of California, Santa Cruz 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校

  8.   University of California, Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校

  9.   University of California, Los Angeles 加州大学洛杉矶分销

  10. Oberlin College. 欧柏林学院

  Harvard University was number 11. Many elite universities have realized that in order to compete for the best students, they need to take into account eco-enlightenment Harvard University leads the pack in energy efficiency, Yale University revolutionized its food operations, and the University of California at Los Angeles reorganized its waste management system。


  Rank School

  1 University of Colorado, Boulder

  2 University of Washington, Seattle

  3 Middlebury College

  4 University of Vermont

  5 College of the Atlantic

  6 Evergreen State College

  7 University of California, Santa Cruz

  8 University of California, Berkeley

  9 University of California, Los Angeles

  10 Oberlin College

  11 Harvard University

  12 University of New Hampshire

  13 Arizona State University, Tempe

  14 Yale University

  15 University of Florida, Gainesville

  16 Bates College

  17 Willamette University

  18 Warren Wilson College

  19 Dickinson College

  20 New York University

  21 Georgia Tech

  22 Tufts University

  23 Duke University

  24 University of California, Davis

  25 University of Oregon

  26 Stanford University

  27 University of California, Irvine

  28 Bowdoin College

  29 Columbia University

  30 Johns Hopkins University

  31 Carnegie Mellon University

  32 Emory University

  33 University of California, San Diego

  34 California State University, Chico

  35 Green Mountain College

  36 St. Olaf College

  37 SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

  38 Unity College

  39 University of California, Santa Barbara

  40 Oregon State University

  41 Carleton College

  42 Colorado State University

  43 Central Michigan University

  44 SUNY Binghamton

  45 University of Pennsylvania

  46 Washington University in St. Louis

  47 Ithaca College

  48 Furman University

  49 Berea College

  50 University of Montana

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