2009年中国国际教育展将于10月17日在北京拉开帷幕,随后巡回武汉、上海、成都和 广州5个城市,以下为英国此次参展院校卡迪夫大学简介:
Cardiff University
卡迪夫 大学
CardiffUniversity is recognised in independent Government assessments as oneof Britain's leading teaching and research universities. Founded byRoyal Charter in 1883, the University today combines impressive modernfacilities and a dynamic approach to teaching and research with itsproud heritage of service and achievement。
From its outstanding central location amidst the parks, Portland-stonebuildings and tree-lined avenues that form the city's elegant civiccentre, the University's students and staff are drawn from throughoutthe world, attracted by its international reputation and commitment toinnovation and excellence in all areas of activity. Cardiff is a memberof the Russell Group of Britain's leading research universities。
Cardiff University has a long tradition of welcoming internationalstudents. With over 3000 international students currently studying atCardiff, representing over 100 countries, the University has a uniquemulti-cultural environment。
北京 (10月17-18日) |
武汉 (10月21日) |
上海 (10月24-25日) |
成都 (10月28日) |
广州 (10月30-11月1日) |
B317 | E08 | E308 |