University of Canberra
堪培拉大学(University of Canberra)建立于1967年,是一所现代化的综合性大学,由联邦政府直接管辖,是澳洲综合实力名列前茅的大学之一,以优良的教学和雄厚的师资力量在国际上享有相当高的知名度多年来,堪培拉大学被澳洲权威报纸The Australian评为澳洲国内实力前10的高等学府。《澳洲优秀大学指南》每年都将堪培拉大学评为毕业生就业率和毕业生起薪五星大学,澳洲教育局更将堪培拉大学列为澳洲国内Band A1(A类最高等级)大学。
The University of Canberra (also known as UC) was founded in 1967. UC was one of nine universities recognised by the Australian government and ranked 8th in Australia for teaching and learning, which its graduates are among the highest paid in Australia。
With current student population of almost 10,000, some 1,400 are international students from over 80 countries in Europe, North and South America, the Pacific, Asia and Africa. At the University of Canberra we offer quality, career oriented programs with a strong focus on academic excellence. Combine our fantastic courses with a compact, vibrant campus and lively residence life and you’ll see why students from around the world choose to study abroad at the University of Canberra。
参展城市 |
北京 (10月17-18日) |
武汉 (10月21日) |
上海 (10月24-25日) |
成都 (10月28日) |
广州 (10月30-11月1日) |
B433 | A408 |