

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年10月13日 17:25   新浪教育


  Grande Ecole programme in English

  Students with a first degree and wishing to study in English can join the Grande Ecole programme at Master level for an International Business specialisation, alternating between the campuses of Angers, France and Budapest, Hungary。

  The programme is composed of :

  - a generalist semester of management studies offering a broad foundation of academic knowledge with a distinctly European focus

  - an international semester focusing on the economy and business environment of central and Eastern Europe and offering a wide choice of electives

  - an international business specialisation semester developing professional expertise

  - a closely monitored master thesis as proof of academic excellence, which may be completed in the framework of a professional internship and offers

  - the opportunity to study in France and in Hungary

  - a stimulating multicultural learning environment which develops cross-cultural skills through group work with a multinational body of professors and students

  - opportunities to put academic knowledge into practice。


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