

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年10月13日 17:42   新浪教育


  Architecture, Civil Engineering, Art&Design and Media – the profile of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is unique and has a long tradition rooted in the world famous Bauhaus School。

  Building on its original disciplines in Civil Engineering and Architecture, the Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar has developed a wide-ranging curriculum in both instruction and research. Today the spectrum covers 30 study programmes - from Art, Design, Web Design, Visual Communications, Media Design and Culture to Architecture, Civil Engineering, Materials Science, Process Engineering, Environmental Science and Management。

  Just as it did in the past, the label »Bauhaus«, which forms part of the university's name, stands today for an experimental atmosphere, for openmindedness, creativity, practical relevance and internationality. The university defines its task as contributing to the concepts, construction and design of present-day and future living environments in the fields of science and art – analytically, creatively and innovatively. As such we are following in the historic tradition of the Bauhaus. Practical relevance is a key component of all the scientific disciplines, as well as playing a role in artistic development. This means that inspection orders, evaluation and product development are as important for civil engineers as they are for media designers。

  Foreign students are very welcome and get special support from our International Office. 

 B332-B333  B01-B02  E109-E110    


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