
教育展参展高校:德国Furtwangen University

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年10月13日 17:51   新浪教育

  2009年中国国际教育展将于10月17日在北京拉开帷幕,随后巡回武汉、上海、成都和广州5个城市,以下为德国此次参展院校德国Furtwangen University简介:

  Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences: Studying with practical-orientation - with fun and guaranteed success。

  Developed from its beginnings as the Großherzoglich Badischen Uhrmacherschule (Archduke of Baden's Clockmakers' School) Furtwangen University was founded in 1850.Today Furtwangen University offers a broad selection of subject areas: Bachelor (16) and master programs (9) in the areas of computer sciences, technology, engineering, media, and business studies。

  Furtwangen University is one of the most active universities in co-operation with industry and business. Additionally the Institute for Applied Research, founded in 1987, with its focus areas of micro-systems, production, surface, environmental, and medical technology through web-based infrastructures and applications to gender research, is an attractive partner for industry, too。

  The master programs offer further perspectives as well as a further qualification, which can be either research- or practically based. The duration of studies will normally be three semesters and can be embarked upon either directly after a suitable first degree, or after a period of gaining professional experience. The HFU offers both full-time and part-time programs。

  Furtwangen University has proven again and again in numerous surveys and nation-wide tests: those who are studying here receive a first class education. 

 B305  A11  E103    


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