

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年10月13日 18:07   新浪教育


  The University of Kaiserslautern is a modern research-oriented German University with a technology profile. It offers high quality graduate education and (post)doctoral research training in innovative fields of economic relevance, many of them as international programmes, that means English-taught, e.g. Electrical Engineering, (Financial) Mathematics or Commercial Vehicle Technology。

  The University of Kaiserslautern offers a favourable student-teacher ratio, guaranteeing excellent supervision and a fast track towards employability. The University’s concept of quality in postgraduate studies entails offering integrated work experience, an early introduction to academic networks and abundant opportunities for an independent student income。

  A special feature of our graduate education is the intensive collaboration with national and international industries, many of them (e.g. BASF, Daimler) situated close to Kaiserslautern. Our 11.300 Students (2.000 of them are international students) profit from these networks by an instruction that is strongly linked to current tasks of the global market, participation in industry research projects (e.g. in Master thesis or internship) and the possibility of assistant jobs at the departments。

  The University puts a focus on postgraduate education and research: Its "International School for Graduate Studies" (ISGS) provides a broad range of administrative & social services for incoming international Master & Doctoral students。

  The University has an inviting modern campus located in the Palatinate Forest (UNESCO Biosphere Reserve). Situated in the heart of Europe (close to France and the Benelux, only one hour away from Frankfurt Airport and two hours from Paris), Kaiserslautern also represents an important economic site of science and research industries。

   A14  E107    


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