

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年11月11日 15:56   启德教育

  1、Basic curricular structure必修课

  • Science 自然科学(usually three years minimum, including biology, chemistry, physics)

  • Mathematics 数学(usually three years minimum, including algebra, geometry, algebra II, and/or precalculus/trigonometry)

  • English语言 (usually four years minimum, including literature, humanities, etc)

  • Social Science社会科学 (various history, government, and economics courses, always including American history)

  • Physical education 体育(at least one year)


  Common types of electives include:

  • Visual arts (drawing, sculpture, painting, photography, film)

  • Performing arts (drama, band, chorus, orchestra, dance)

  • Technology education ("Shop"; woodworking, metalworking, automobile repair, robotics)

  • Computers (word processing, programming, graphic design)

  • Athletics (cross country, football, baseball, basketball, track and field, swimming, tennis, gymnastics, water polo, soccer, wrestling, cheerleading)

  • Publishing (journalism/student newspaper, yearbook/annual, literary magazine)

  • Foreign languages (Spanish, French are common; Chinese, Latin, Greek, German,and Japanese are less common)

  3、高中GPA 举例:

  • GPA,就是grade point average,学业平均成绩。A=4,B=3,C=2,D=1,F=0, 每门课的各个任课老师给出学年ABCD后,学校把整个高中的所有科目的成绩都平均起来,得到一个值,叫做unweight GPA。

  • 然后因为学校有不同等级的课,AP补助2分,Honor补助一分,regular没有补助,最后,再把这些所有补助的分数加起来,除以15,得数加到unweight GPA上,得到一个值称为weight GPA。每个学校不同,我们学校就是用weight GPA排名(class ranking),所以导致了选课的竞争。



  • 一年三个学期:9月初-12月中旬;1月初-3月初;3月下旬-6月初

  • 4个假期:X’mas, Thanksgiving, Spring break, Summer vacation。

  • SLEP:针对母语非英语的学生的语言测试

  • SSAT:美国中学入学测试

  • PSAT:SAT预考,10年级、11年级学生均可参加;美国学生参加可获得“国家奖学金”


  Day schedule:

  • 7:00-7:25 a.m.: breakfast 早餐

  • After breakfast, students are expected to return to their dorms, clean up their rooms, and finish their dorm jobs. Morning assembly, which is a time when students and faculty members have a chance to make announcements, begins at 8:00 a.m。

  • 8:10 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m.: academic classes  上课

  • 3:00-6:00pm: afternoon activity: athletics, music, or art

  • 6:00pm:day students go home and boarders have a family style dinner;

  • After dinner-7:30pm: free time

  • 7:30-9:30pm: upper school students study at study hall;7:30-9:00pm for middle school students;

  • When study hall ends, students have some free time on campus, but must return to their dorms before 10:00 p.m。

  • Lights out for middle school students is 10:00 p.m.; for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, it is 10:30 p.m.; and for seniors and postgraduates, lights out is 11:00 p.m。


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