
2014年02月13日19:22  新浪教育 微博   

  新浪教育[微博]讯:据加拿大驻华使馆提供的资讯,2014年2月11日,渥太华——加拿大公民和移民[微博]部长克里斯•亚历山大(Chris Alexander)今天对“2014年经济行动计划(EAP)”表示欢迎,认为该计划将构建一套更快速和灵活的移民体系,从而为加拿大的长期繁荣作出真正的贡献。




  政府将会用更集中有效的试验项目来取代现有计划。新计划将确保来到加拿大的移民能为我们的经济提供意义深远的收益。这将补充加拿大公民和移民部的创业签证(Start-Up Visa),使加拿大保持在全球经济中的竞争力。新试验计划的细节将在未来几个月里公布。


  根据投资移民计划,加拿大为投资 800,000加元的外国投资者提供永久居民身份(在2010年以前这个数字是400,000加元)。英国、澳大利亚和新西兰投资移民的金额要求为500万至1,000万加元,而且不提供前期永久居留权。   


  目前的投资移民计划待受理的申请者超过65, 000名,超过其他任何经济类移民计划的待受理申请人数。根据目前水平,加拿大政府需要超过6年时间来处理这些申请。




  Canada’s Citizenship and ImmigrationMinister Chris Alexander today welcomed measures in Economic Action Plan (EAP)2014 to build a faster, more flexible immigration system that makes realcontributions to Canada’s long-term prosperity。

  EAP 2014 announced the government’s intentto terminate the federal Immigrant Investor Program (IIP) and FederalEntrepreneur (EN) Program, eliminate a large and longstanding backlog ofapplications, and pave the way for new pilot programs that will actually meetCanada’s labour market and economic needs。

  The current IIP provides limited economicbenefit to Canada. Research shows that immigrant investors pay less in taxesthan other economic immigrants, are less likely to stay in Canada over themedium- to long-term and often lack the skills, including official languageproficiency, to integrate as well as other immigrants from the same countries。

  Eliminating the IIP and EN programs – andthe associated backlog of applications – will allow the government to focus onattracting experienced business people and raising investment capital that isof maximum benefit to Canada’s economy。

  The government will replace these programswith more focused and effective pilot programs that will ensure that immigrantswho come to Canada deliver meaningful benefits to our economy. This willcomplement CIC’s Start-Up Visa, enabling Canada to remain competitive in theglobal economy. Details of the new pilots will be announced in the comingmonths。

  Quick facts

  Under the Immigrant Investor Program, Canada offers guaranteed permanentresidence in exchange for a guaranteed $800,000 loan (before 2010, the amountwas only $400,000). The United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand require asmuch as $5 to $10 million, and do not offer up-front permanent residency。

  Over a 20-year career, an immigrant investor pays about $200,000 less inincome taxes than a federal skilled worker and almost $100,000 less in taxesthan one live-in caregiver。

  The current IIP has an inventory of more than 65,000 persons, largerthan any other economic immigration program. At current levels, it would takemore than six years to process this inventory。


  “"Our governmentis focused on attracting experienced business people and raising investmentcapital that will contribute to our economic success over the long term. Ourgovernment will continue to focus on economic immigration programs that makesense for Canada by ensuring our economic and labour market needs are being metnow and into the future."”

  Chris Alexander, Canada’s Citizenship andImmigration Minister

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