University of Manchester
Southampton ——Montefiore Halls
UCL——Schafer House
Oxford—— Merton College
University of Lincoln——Brayford Quays
University of Reading——Benyon Hall
University of Bath——Marlborough & Solsbury Courts
University of Bath——Marlborough & Solsbury Courts
University of Bath——Marlborough & Solsbury Courts
Nottingham——Hugh Stewart Hall
Univerisityof Exeter, Studio Room.。。
University of Brighton
University of Bristol——Manor Hall
University of Bristol——Manor Hall
University of Bristol——Manor Hall
Newcastle ——Gurney House
University of Liverpool, Derby and Rathbone Hall
University of Liverpool, Derby and Rathbone Hall
Leeds——Flat in Broadcasting Tower
Leeds——Flat in Broadcasting Tower
Royal Holloway, University of London---Gowar
Royal Holloway, University of London---Gowar
Royal Holloway, University of London---Founder's Hall
Royal Holloway, University of London---Kingswood
Royal Holloway, University of London---Kingswood
Royal Holloway, University of London---Kingswood
Royal Holloway, University of London---Penrose Court
Royal Holloway, University of London---Penrose Court
Royal Holloway, University of London---Highfield Court
Royal Holloway, University of London---Reid
Royal Holloway, University of London---Runnymede