
Better Speaking 2 会话流利须掌握的词汇

Chinese students

Huiguang Wei, Bo Liu, Fu Yao and Xuesong Li are students in Malvern School, London.

Why are you studying English? To pass exams or speak to people? It will affect how you learn vocabulary.

This week, William and Jean look at how vocabulary is related to English speaking.

They hear different ideas about vocabulary from some English-language students at Malvern House language school in London. Then Jean demonstrates the best way to learn words for speaking.

Today's top tips are:

• Learn words in context.

• Certain noises and words are helpful when you have forgotten a word.

• If you can't think of the right word try describing what you mean.

Listen to the programme to find out more about this advice.

Next week, Jean and William find out how you can improve your English while you're in China.

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