
Planning for the Future 憧憬未来

Jennifer and David, William and Kate

How different would it be as husband and wife?

A Royal Romance, An Everyday Love Story 王子婚礼与平民爱情


The closer they get to the day of the wedding, the more the royal couple's thoughts must be turning to their future lives as husband and wife.

Listen to the programme to find out how Prince William gave Catherine the chance to change her plans if she decided she didn't want to be a queen after all!

Our other featured couple, Jennifer and David, also discuss their long-term plans. They agree that marriage is a big commitment... but they seem to be rather more undecided about whether children will play a part in their future!

This week's phrases:

Trying to learn from lessons done in the past

It takes more than just getting married to keep a relationship going

To stay together for the rest of their lives

Next week: Two Weddings

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