
Superstars: Rihanna 超级巨星:蕾安娜

Rihanna singing

Rihanna says "there's no such thing as taking a break if you don't want to".

我们通过《超级巨星》四集音频精选系列节目向各位介绍世界流行乐坛的四位超级巨星。您将听到关于他们的介绍,还有他们在接受 BBC 采访时的录音。今天让我们一起认识 Rihanna蕾安娜。

Sometimes it seems that nothing could be easier than becoming a successful pop star. A fast dance beat with a song on top of it can become a hit overnight. What does Rihanna think about that? How does she see her music as different?

Find out more about the super-successful and sometimes controversial Caribbean star in the last in our special series.

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