
The British Countryside 音画英国:动物音乐会

British countryside view

Beautiful countryside of the Lake District in the UK


Sounds of Britain is a series of audio programmes including London Underground, the River Thames, Countryside Animals, British Sea and a Recordist's Day. It tries to present a vivid picture of Britain through different kinds of sounds. We hope you enjoy the beautiful natural sounds, romantic music and authentic English in the programmes and gain a better understanding of British culture through listening to them.


In Freightliner City Farm, Liz tells us what kinds of animals you can see and what kinds of sounds you can hear in her city farm. You will also have an opportunity to listen to some visitors talking about their favourite animals in the city farm in London.

Ian Rawes, a sound recordist in London, recorded a beautiful dawn chorus. Do you know what the dawn chorus is? Have you ever had a chance to listen to the dawn chorus in Britain?Have a listen: you might be impressed.


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