
The UK: Northern Ireland 介绍北爱尔兰

Images of Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland has a rich cultural heritage

Programme Introduction 节目简介

英国由四个地区组成,每一地区都有其当地的传统和文化。本期节目介绍四个地区之一的北爱尔兰,了解这里不平凡的历史,和它深得 人民喜爱的爱尔兰传统舞蹈。

Northern Ireland is probably best known for its troubles in past decades. But it is also a country with a rich cultural heritage. Irish dancing is just one of the many things the country has exported to the rest of the world.

Join Andrea and Jean as they find out about the steps, the costumes and the importance of Irish dancing to those in Northern Ireland.

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