University English: 听课和记笔记

These young people are looking forward to their student life at Kings College London.
Programme Introduction 节目简介
在《新生校园英语》系列节目中,我们将和在英国学习的中国同学们和他们的老师,探讨在全英语学习的环境中碰到的一些语言困难。今天,来自陕西的Jerome 提到的他的学习弱点是听课和记笔记,那么我们能从Damien老师那里听到些什么好建议呢?
In University English, we will hope to explore language challenges often faced by international students coming to the UK for the first time.
In today's programme, Jerome from Shanxi province would like some help with improving his listening and note-taking skills. What top tips can we learn from his tutor Damien?