
The Sad Joker 悲伤的小丑

False ears and pince-nez glasses

When Neil Innes first met Vivian Stanshall he was wearing false ears and pince-nez glasses

也许你印象中的英国人都是循规蹈矩彬彬有礼。但英国历史上也不乏我行我素的奇特人物。BBC 最新推出的六集系列将为大家介绍六位古怪的英国人– English Eccentrics.

In this episode, we find out about someone who apparently didn't like to be called an eccentric but who often dressed and acted in outrageous ways.

Vivian Stanshall was a poet and artist, but is most often remembered as a member of the quirky pop band The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. In this programme you will hear about Vivian's great sense of fun and the sadness that lay underneath.

You will also learn two useful English phrases to describe unconventional people.

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