
National Stereotypes 对一个国家的成见

Express yourself!

Every week we ask you a different question. Hear what people in London say, then join the conversation!



What do people think of when they think of your country?


Fish and chips

Is this a stereotypical British meal?

We asked some people in London and this is what they said:

What comes to mind 立刻想到的 when you think about Britain? Well according to 根据 these Londoners, it's a strange mixture 奇怪的混合 which includes pigeons 鸽子, rain 雨, fish and chips 炸鱼薯条 and the Queen!

One man also thinks that the British are known for 以…而著名 being open-minded 头脑开放的.

Do you think they're right? And what image 形象 do you think your own country has abroad 海外,国外?


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