
University Life 大学生活

I've heard the BBC programme and become interested in college students' life in England. I really want to find out whether they enjoy a freer learning procedure. How and what do they learn in class and what do they usually do after class?

Alice Wang, China

We are now in the beginning of the academic year and students are coming back from their summer holidays starting new courses, attending lectures, reading and writing essays.

Kate Colin and Yang Li talk about UK college life in answer to a question from Alice Wang.

Acquiring knowledge in higher education seems to be hard work in every country thorughout the world.

Students in Britain

Many university students are returning from their summer break

In this programme, you will hear from some students from London studying at the London School of Economics about how their classes are taught and how the UK education system compares with that in their own countries.

Do you have a question about Britain? 你有没有对英国的疑问?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk

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