Explaining a misunderstanding 如何解释并消除误会

Anna's papers are blown everywhere

Episode 19 – The open window 敞开的窗户

Paul, the boss, leaves a message wanting ideas for a new marketing strategy for their new laser-curved fruit range. Anna gets straight down to work but when Paul turns up, Tom gets all the credit.

There's a big mix-up and it's time for Anna to learn some language that explains there has been a misunderstanding.


TOM 在地板上发现了他的证书. 什么证书呢?


Glossary 词汇

This week's programme focuses on politely saying there has been a misunderstanding.

Phrases from the programme: 节目中出现的短语

I think there's been a misunderstanding. 我觉得我们之间有点会

There's been a bit of a mix-up. 你把两件事搞混了。

Let me explain what happened. 我来解释一下到底是怎么回事。

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