Chechen president's outburst 车臣总统为足球大发雷霆

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Ramzan Kadyrov

Chechen president, Ramzan Kadyrov, is passionate about football

俄罗斯足球政府部门对车臣共和国的泰利克足球俱乐部进行了罚款,因为此足球俱乐部的一位热血球迷——车臣共和国总统拉姆赞•卡德罗夫,在最近泰利克足球俱乐部的一场主场球赛中抢过了球场的扩音系统向足球裁判破口大骂。BBC 记者汤姆•埃索蒙报道:

There can't be many parts of the world where the president takes to the loudspeaker during a football match to express his dismay. In the Chechen capital Grozny, everything is a little different.

The president is also the city football club's biggest fan. And from the stands of Terek Grozny's stadium, shortly after the team's captain had been sent off in last Sunday's match, Ramzan Kadyrov grasped the microphone. He called the referee corrupt and said he was a donkey.

It didn't achieve much. The match was a nil-all draw and now the club will have to fork out a hefty fine - the equivalent of $3,200. The fine was doubled because after the match the strongman leader spent a few minutes in the dressing room with the referee, demanding an explanation, while his security guards kept the football officials at bay.

Mr Kadyrov, who used to be Terek Grozny's president, is not the one being directly penalised. Instead it is the club that is picking up the bill.

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