
Fizzy Water on Tap 无限畅饮汽泡水

La Petillante

The French drink an average of 130 litres of bottled water a year.




The Jardin de Reuilly, a park east of Paris, has the first fountain of its kind in France - called La Petillante - thanks to the publicly owned water company Eau de Paris.

The fountain offers ordinary tap water, chilled to seven centigrade, and infused with carbon dioxide to give it bubbles. The supply is unlimited and there are separate taps for still, refrigerated or unrefrigerated.

The water company says it wants to show that the French love of bottled water - on average the French drink around 130 litres a year - does not need to involve large amounts of oil and packaging.

If the fountain in the Jardin de Reuilly is a success, the idea is to open more in other public spaces. The water company says Parisians no longer need to buy bottled water, though it's as yet unclear, when it comes to home consumption, whether the park will be preferable to the supermarket.

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