
Beavers Back In Britain 河狸归来

By, Laura Maxwell, Glasgow


Wild beavers became extinct in Britain nearly 400 years ago.


Background: 两只河狸幼仔在苏格兰的野外出生。这是自从去年尝试把这种动物重新引入到英国后,首次出生的河狸幼仔。专家说这是一个良好的兆头。


Wild beavers are nocturnal and elusive, so telling if the females are pregnant can be tricky.

Now, after weeks of speculation, staff and volunteers in the Knapdale Forest in Argyll have been rewarded with the sight of not one, but two newborns.

The kits, which have been born to separate family groups, are thought to be around eight-weeks old, and are about the size of a large guinea pig.

They've been seen out with their families, learning how to forage.

Conservationists are hoping there'll be more new arrivals this year, so they can study how the reintroduced population establishes itself naturally in the wild.

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