
It's in the Bag 小偷藏身行李箱

By Adam Mynott, BBC News


The six-foot tall suspect could fit into a suitcase

媒体英语会带大家一起学习 BBC 撰稿人在报道世界大事时常用到的单词和短语。

Background: 西班牙警方抓获一名专门偷窃乘客行李箱内贵重物品的小偷。在一辆开往巴塞罗那的长途汽车上,警方最后在一个行李箱里发现了他。


For weeks police were puzzled by repeated thefts from suitcases firmly locked inside the luggage compartment of a coach travelling between Girona Airport and Barcelona.

After one journey when bags had, again, been broken into, one of the passengers pointed out a large suspicious suitcase. Police opened it and to their amazement found a man curled up inside. With the help of an accomplice, who was also arrested, the six-foot contortionist had crammed himself inside.

His friend bought a bus ticket and put the case into the luggage hold. Once the bus set off the man in the case clambered out, opened other suitcases in the hold looking for valuables. Before the bus pulled into the stop in Barcelona he had zipped himself back into his hiding place. Police are reported to have described the crime as an 'open and shut case'.

Glossary 词汇表 (收听发音, 请单击英语单词)

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