Queen visits the BBC 女王参观BBC新广播大楼

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Queen Elizabeth officially opens the BBC's new headquaters.

英国女王伊丽莎白二世为BBC新广播大楼揭幕。本周,女王出席了为纪念她加冕60周年的庆典活动。女王参观了BBC电视新闻直播间并会见了BBC国际部的记者们。女王在直播节目中宣布BBC新广播大楼正式揭幕。以下是 Tom Esslemont 的报道:

The Queen first visited Broadcasting House in 1939. Back then she was a young princess, accompanying her father King George VI and her mother, Queen Elizabeth. Fourteen years later she was crowned.

In her six decades as Queen, the BBC's headquarters have seen many changes and challenges. During the Second World War the iconic art deco facade was damaged in the Blitz. Producers and announcers regularly took cover in a special air raid bunker. Since then, some of the building's wood panelled offices have been made famous by those who worked in them. Room 101 gave George Orwell inspiration for his novel 1984.

In recent years, Broadcasting House has had a one-and-a-half billion dollar revamp. The Queen will see the state-of-the-art glass fronted extension and inspect the BBC's multi-media newsroom.

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