SEA Games 东南亚运动会
y Karishma Vaswani, BBC, Indonesia
Mohammad Nazaruddin, a senior politician from Indonesia's ruling party.
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Background: 今天第26届东南亚运动会在印尼万隆举行。人们对本次运动会的筹备工作提出了很多腐败指控。
On the surface the sporting venues in Palembang look grand. But look a little closer, and you'll see that organisers are still trying to get things ready in time.
The roads are filled with dust, because of the unfinished work. Even the road signs need some fixing.
Allegations of graft have marred the Games from the start. Mohammad Nazaruddin, a senior politician from Indonesia's ruling party has been accused of taking bribes worth millions for awarding contracts to build the athletes' rooms. He's consistently denied the allegations but the scandal has cast an ugly shadow on the event.
Organisers admit the corruption scandal has impacted Palembang's ability to host a successful Games. But officials say this is the best they can do, and are optimistic Indonesia will deliver on time.
This is the first time Indonesia is hosting an event of this scale outside the capital city Jakarta. Hosting the games is a huge matter of pride for the local people in Palembang and for Indonesians around the archipelago.
But the event has been tainted by the all too familiar smear of Indonesian corruption.