The crying Games 哭泣运动会

Felix Sanchez

He couldn't hold back his emotions.

媒体英语会带大家一起学习 BBC 撰稿人在报道世界大事时常用到的单词和短语。

看来奥林匹克运动会可以被重新命名为哭泣运动会了:2012伦敦奥运会的流泪场面就充分显示了这一点。BBC记者 Beth McLeod有以下报道:

As the national anthem of the Dominican Republic played, Felix Sanchez cried uncontrollably. The winner of the 400 metre hurdles took deep breaths, trying to regain his composure, but his bottom lip continued to wobble and his tears continued to flow. He is not the only one to have shown his soft side at London 2012. Countless athletes across all disciplines have been weeping on podiums. Former Olympic table tennis player Matthew Syed says this wellspring of emotion is understandable.

Matthew Syed, Former Olympic table tennis player:

This is one of the great joys of the Olympics. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience emotional intensity, for us as viewers, for the athletes too. And when you deconstruct what they’ve gone through to get to this the stage; the sacrifices, all of the hardships, the ambitions, the neurosis, that is bound up in that moment, you can kind of understand why it gets too much for them.

All that pressure leads to tears of despair as well. The Chinese weightlifter, Wu Jingbao, said he was ashamed for disgracing the motherland after failing to win gold. And the Olympic hosts - famed for their stiff upper lip - have been choking up along with the best of them. The British Olympic champions Victoria Pendleton, Chris Hoy, and Jess Ennis, all wept openly as they collected their medals.

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