
Lucky 13 for Arsenal 阿森纳的幸运13

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger celebrated 庆祝了 his thirteenth year in charge of 掌管 the club last week, making him the club’s longest-serving 任期最长的 manager.

They say the number 13 is unlucky for some.

Arsene manager Arsene Wenger

A happy day for Wenger

But any worries that his luck may have run out 停止了 were soon dispelled 消除 as Arsenal produced a stunning performance 完成了一场精彩的比赛 to brush aside 甩开 Blackburn on Sunday, crushing 打垮 them 6-2.

Wenger said after the victory: “Our culture 文化教养 is about going forward and scoring goals… this Arsenal team can go as far as they want.”

When he says this team can go as far as they want, he means they can achieve as much success as they want.

Although the final scoreline 分数线 was very convincing 令人深信不疑, Blackburn started strongly and went ahead twice, before Arsenal ran riot 约束不住 in the second half.

Our culture is about going forward and scoring goals… this Arsenal team can go as far as they want.

Arsene Wenger, Arsenal manager

Goals came from a variety of sources, with everyone from defender Vermaelen to more familiar names like Van Persie and Fabregas getting on the scoresheet 积分 for Arsenal.

Blackburn keeper 守门员 Paul Robinson was kept busy all afternoon, and his boss Sam Allardyce said after the game:

"Paul Robinson pulled off some really good saves. We could have conceded 失球 more than six goals."

To pull off means to achieve something difficult.

Despite the result, Allardyce was gracious in defeat 虽然输了,但仍保持风度 and paid tribute 赞颂 to Wenger for what he has done since he arrived at Arsenal in 1996.

"To football, Wenger has given a tremendous amount," he said.

To football, Wenger has given a tremendous amount.

Sam Allardyce, Blackburn manager

Allardyce also praised Wenger's preference for nurturing 培养 and training young players through his youth academy 青年足球学院, rather than making big-money purchases 巨额收购 of famous players.

"He has showed everyone how to find young talent and develop it through their system.

"We would all like to say we have 25% of our players from our academy, but he has 80-90% of his side through their academy."

One player who benefitted from Arsene Wenger’s guidance 引导 was French striker Thierry Henry, who enjoyed a fruitful 有成果的 period at the club.

Henry, who now plays for Barcelona in Spain, made the journey to London to watch the game and also sang the praises 赞赏 of the Arsenal boss:

"It's tremendous and amazing and he deserves 应该是 to be where he is. He's the right man here."

The result moves Arsenal up into fourth place in the table, while Blackburn are in 16th position.

Chelsea went top 排第一 after beating rivals Liverpool 2-0, while Manchester United dropped 下降了 to second after a 2-2 draw with Sunderland.

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