
Modal Verbs 情态动词

Hello. Could you please explain the usage of modal verbs to me? I'm always confused about using them.

Gao Xiang, Hangzhou

Our question this week is about a special type of verb. A verb is used to give a sentence action but this auxiliary modal verb gives expression or meaning to what you say; it's a bit like adding salt and pepper to your food! Generally, a modal is used before the infinitives of other verbs and we don't use the word to.

It's important to use the right modal at the right time. For example, using the word must gives the meaning that it is essential to do something but using should implies there is some probability you can do something.


Could you eat all these crisps?

There are a number of other words that can be used to make asking a question in English more polite such as might, could or would. Join Rob and Feifei in Question and Answer of the Week as they explain more about using modals.

If you have a question for our team, send it to us at questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk and we might answer it on this programme.

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