Where are you from? 你从哪儿来?

"I'm from Xi'an. Can you please tell me what to say if I met a person in another city who also comes from Xi'an? What's the correct way of expressing the idea 'we are fellow townsmen' and is there an adjective for this?"


Telling someone where you come from is an important part of learning English.

Talking about your nationality is quite simple.

For example:

Hi, I'm English.

Hello, I come from China.

But what do you say when you want to talk about the town or region you're from?

If you met someone from the same town as you, what would you say?

There are various adverbs and phrases that you can use.

For example:

Where do you come from? I'm from Liverpool.

Really? I'm from Liverpool too! What a coincidence.

Helen and Jen explore more ways to say "me too".

If you want a question answered too, just send it to questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk

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