Participle Clauses 分词从句

"When I was reading the news I found that I don't understand the sentence of "having given up hope of..." Does it mean that Mr Jones has to give up hope of...? Could you please elaborate the structure of this sentence?"

Kristy, Hong Kong

In this week's Question and Answer of the Week, Jean and Catherine answer a question from Kristy in Hong Kong.

Kristy has asked a question about something she read in the news:

Newsreader: Mr Jones saw lorry drivers fall asleep in their cabs, having given up hope of getting out of the queue during the night.

What does the phrase 'having given up hope' mean?

Learn a useful way to talk about cause and effect relationships between events that happened in the past.

And try to practise with Jean when Catherine asks her to join two sentences together with a participle clause.

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