
Idioms: Money 成语:金钱
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1 : Oh dear. I've just seen my bank account. It's bad news. I have spent more money than I have. ________.
I have a red letter
I'm seeing red
I'm in the red
I was caught red-handed
A man holding a letter
2 : Last night in the restaurant it took an hour to get served. The manager was really apologetic though and he told us not to pay. The whole meal was ________.
on the house
on a shoestring
an arm and a leg
Money - coins and notes
3 : John is so mean. He never pays for anything and always buys the cheapest things. He's such a ________.
piggy bank
Two women laughing
4 : I've saved up a nice little ________ to go on holiday in the summer. I'm going to the Caribbean.
nest egg
chicken feed
gravy train
A piggy bank
5 : I can't go out this month, I'm really ________. I spent all my savings last week on clothes.
hard up
hard out
hand in
Empty pockets
6 : Will you turn off the lights when you are not in the room? It's me who has to ________.
hand the bill
chip in
cook the books
foot the bill

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