Music sharing 音乐分享

Express yourself!

Every week we ask you a different question. Hear what people in London say, then join the conversation!



How do you feel about sharing music online? 你对互联网上的音乐分享功能有什么看法?


Record labels are devising strategies to survive in a world of digital music-sharing

This is how some people feel about sharing music online:

One person thinks it's part of a friendship 友谊, it's a good way to connect with people 和其他人连接.

Another woman thinks it's the same principle 原理 as going to a gig 参加演唱会 – you can recreate 重建 the experience without going out.

And one man says he bonds 结合、联合 with his friend over the music they like and argues 争执 over the music they hate.

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