
Writing: Formal Letters 书面语:正式书信
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1 : In a formal letter, where should the date go?
At the top right-hand corner of the page, under your address.
At the top right-hand corner of the page, above your address.
At the bottom left of the page.
At the bottom right of the page.
A person writing a letter
2 : Which beginning does NOT go with a letter that ends with 'Yours faithfully'?
Dear Sir
Dear Ms Adler
Dear Madam
To Whom It May Concern
A typewriter
3 : How should you end a letter that begins with 'Dear Miss Fahad'?
Your sincerely
Yours sincerley
Your sincerly
Yours sincerely
A girl writing a letter
4 : "__________ the documents you requested". Which phrase should you use in a formal letter?
Please find in
Please look inside for
Please find attached
Please find enclosed
A fountain pen
5 : "__________, Anna". Anna is emailing the CEO of a company. She has never met her face-to-face so she is writing formally. Which is the best way for Anna to end the email?
Love from
See you
A person typing on the computer
6 : "I am writing to __________". Which phrase could begin the first line of a formal letter of complaint?
express my dissatisfaction with...
request your assistance with...
inform you about...
A fountain pen

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