Bend over backwards 竭尽全力

The script of this programme 本节目台词

Neil: Hello. I'm Neil.

Helen: I'm Helen. Neil 的声音变了因为他摆了一个非常奇怪的姿势。

Neil: That's right. I'm bending over backwards – or trying to.

Helen: 向后弯腰,一看你就特别僵硬。

Neil: No. Even if I bend forwards I can hardly touch my knees, and certainly not my toes.

Helen: 来,看我的!

Neil: Wow! Helen! I had no idea you could do that! You can bend over backwards all the way to the floor!

An athlete doing the high jump

It looks quite hard to bend over backwards!

Helen: Yes, 不过你得解释一下为什么我们在向后弯腰?

Neil: Oh, yes, of course. That's because today's phrase is:

Helen & Neil: To bend over backwards!

Helen: 请听以下例句,你能猜出这个短语的意思是什么吗?

  • I would bend over backwards for you – just let me know how I can help.
  • Julia bent over backwards to make sure everything was right for their visit.

Neil: Did you guess the meaning?

Helen: 这个短语的意思是为某人或某件事情付出超出常情的努力, 拼了命的去做这件事情。

Neil: Like, "I would bend over backwards to make sure you're happy", Helen.

Helen: Ahhhh. Thank you Neil. 让我们再听几个例子吧:

  • I bent over backwards to get Jim what he wanted, but he never thanked me.
  • I'll help you a bit, but don't expect me to bend over backwards.

Neil: Oh, ooof!

Helen: 你还好吧?

Neil: I need to sit down, I think I've hurt my back!

Helen: Ah, Neil, you must be careful not to bend over backwards too often!

Neil: Urgh!

Helen: 向后弯腰只是一个比喻,并不是说你得真的这么做,把腰伤了可不是开玩笑的事儿。好,谢谢收听。我们下次节目再见。

Neil: Bye!

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